The AALA certificated bargaining team is readying for the negotiations table with the express goal of concluding negotiations as expeditiously as possible. Moreover, the proposals to be presented reflect the feedback from the hundreds of
The AALA certificated bargaining team is readying for the negotiations table with the express goal of concluding negotiations as expeditiously as possible. Moreover, the proposals to be presented reflect the feedback from the hundreds of
It is imperative that AALA clarify that it was not our decision to remove the “me too” clause from the negotiations table. Labor Relations is removing the language from all compensation negotiations, not any of the bargaining partners.
The Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is readying its bargaining team to successfully negotiate a successor agreement for Adult Education, Early Education, Elementary, Secondary, and School Support Administrators.
April 3-7, 2023 was National Assistant Principals Week. As many an administrator can attest, Assistant Principals play a crucial role in supporting their Principal to ensure schools are safe and students are learning. AALA sends a
“They’re dancing…
They’re dancing in the street (dancing in the street)
Way down in L.A., every day this week they’re dancing in the street…”
A parent interviewed on a local news channel characterizes this 3-day strike as
AALA offers solutions for the small percentage of families that may need childcare services and nutrition for students the third week of winter recess.
An AALA member shared the following communication with AALA President Nery Paiz.
AALA President Nery Paiz coordinated meetings with Board President Goldberg and Boardmember Ortiz Franklin to listen to over-worked, frustrated, and worried administrators sharing personal stories and accounts from colleagues across the
On behalf of Unit J, AALA tips its hat to the Unit J Bargaining Team on reaching a settlement with the District: Nery X. Paiz, President, Walter Contreras, Unit J Vice President, Manny Montenegro, Unit J Director, Lisa Marine, Unit J Director, Dave R.
AALA always welcomes letters from the field. One would hope that the district’s leadership team listens to our members’ plight, but as the following letter shows it just falls on deaf ears! William Butler Yeats aptly wrote, “Things fall apart; the
AALA’s Executive Board is comprised of six departments plus the President. A vice-president and two directors represent each department. This year six positions are open for election. Three candidates run unopposed, Elsa Madrid
AALA President Nery Paiz did not mince words in his comments to the board this week. It is time for school safety to be more than a catch phrase!
Administrators may ask, why should I become a dues-paying member? What can AALA do for me? Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is a Bargaining Unit within the Los Angeles
As always, AALA shares member correspondence that addresses issues felt across the board. As a member quoted below aptly states, “who is watching out for us?” Onerous responsibilities extending well beyond a professional work week
The Executive Board of the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is responsible for oversight and policy level direction for the management of the Association. The Executive Board is a body of elected members of the
Administrators returned from a much needed and earned Thanksgiving Break to a reorganized structure that obliterated two local districts. With a mid-year shift to four regions, Superintendent Carvalho is looking to save $40 million by
This week the Instructional Technology Initiative led by Director Sophia Mendoza helped schools celebrate Computer Science Education Week (CSED). ITI staff spread out across the district to showcase K-12 students’ use of technology. AALA
Some A-Basis members are reporting supervisors are requesting “plane tickets” to be exempted from working on the upcoming Acceleration Days. Know this is a serious contractual violation as there
What follows are AALA President Nery Paiz’ remarks to the Superintendent and Board on Tuesday afternoon… Our members are drowning and unable to stay afloat amidst the myriad of mandates from Beaudry, and additional demands
The Executive Board of the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is responsible for oversight and policy level direction for the management of the Association. The Executive Board is a body of elected members of the