The AALA Negotiations Team concluded bargaining a successor agreement on December 23, 2021. (CERTIFICATED) Click Read More for the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT. Stay tuned for important next steps in next Thursday’s Update. Happy New Year!
The AALA Negotiations Team concluded bargaining a successor agreement on December 23, 2021. (CERTIFICATED) Click Read More for the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT. Stay tuned for important next steps in next Thursday’s Update. Happy New Year!
Principal Blanca Cruz from Edward Roybal Learning Center (HS) hosted an introductory press conference with Boardmembers for incoming Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. Click HERE to watch video of the welcome.
In the spirit of giving, AALA asks the Local District Superintendents and the Adult Education Executive Director to give AALA Members the gift of Support, Transparency, Input (members have a wealth of knowledge they can contribute to something more than someone who has not been
You are cordially invited to join your department caucus at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021. The caucus gives level-alike members the opportunity to share and discuss issues and areas of concern for the association to pursue with the District’s senior management.
AALA Headquarters makes a genuine and sincere effort to listen and act when members raise issues and concerns. Typically, AALA demands to bargain as quickly as possible when an issue affects a wide swath of members. With this in mind…
Schools reflect society. And, what they are currently reflecting is alarming. As of October 31, 2021 there have been 37,552 gun violence deaths across the United States. Of these, 809 children ages 0-11 were killed or injured, and 3,897 teens ages 12-17 were killed or injured. Let it sink in.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, AALA salutes one of our very own, Dr. Veronica Bedell Brown. Dr. Brown, a Principal at Manchester Ave. Elementary School, has written a memoir revisiting the day she realized she had breast cancer.
What Cancer Taught Me About Being an Administrator: a Reflection by Maria Chua. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. It is also the first time that I will recognize this month as a breast cancer survivor. It was a February afternoon during the height of the COVID-19 surge in Los Angeles. I was in a Zoom work meeting when I got the call.
Let us salute and recognize our association’s amazing School Support Administrators (SSAs). In case you are wondering, they are the frontline managers assigned to local districts and central offices and form one of AALA’s six departments.
You are cordially invited to join your departmental caucus at 4:30 p.m., today, Thursday, October 7, 2021. The caucus gives level-alike members the opportunity to share and discuss issues and areas of concern for the association to pursue with the District’s senior management. It is also a time to address important business matters relevant to each department.
AALA President Nery X. Paiz’ heartfelt message to principals: “For National Principals Month, I wholeheartedly salute, admire, and thank Principals, Assistant Principals who have courageously, caringly, professionally served their communities during extremely challenging times for the schools and for themselves yet they continue to selflessly support students, staff, and communities because they want to do what is right. Benevolence and professionalism is exemplified by their commitment.”
Thank you to the many of you who called, texted, emailed, and faxed to express your concerns and chagrin with the tentative agreement between the District and the teacher’s union.
Know the AALA certificated bargaining team is at the negotiations table with the District with the express goal of concluding negotiations as expeditiously as possible.
On September 9, 2021 AALA President Nery X. Paiz sent a letter to Interim Superintendent Reilly with AALA’s stance on Student Centered Funding (SCF) and its potential negative impact on our most vulnerable students.
Dear Superintendent Reilly,
The association and I seem to be in agreement with Superintendent Beutner’s overarching recommendations for the 2021 school year:
Following the science health and safety protocols to provide the safest brick-and-mortar school environments, for students, faculty, staff, and the school community and;
Effectively planning, allocating, and appropriately investing the historical influx of federal and state funds to address learning loss
Thank you to the many of you who took the time before a holiday weekend to complete the survey to better inform our bargaining proposals. A special gratitude goes to our member in good standing that wrote: “Keep asking for our input. I feel heard and valued.” In this spirit, the survey continues open and your feedback is essential and valued.
The Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is proud to announce its bargaining team is ready and eager to successfully negotiate a certificated successor agreement. The team members are:
Nery X. Paiz, President,
Juan A. Flecha, Lead Negotiator,
Kevin Kilpatrick, Vice President, School Support Administrators,
Richard Guillen, Vice President, Elementary,
Elsa Madrid, Vice President, Adult,
Dr. Ayanna E. Davis, Vice-President, Early Education,
Dr. Judith Perez, AALA Past President,
Good afternoon President Gonez, Superintendent Reilly, Board Members, Senior Staff:
I am Nery Paiz, President of the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles. I want to once again thank you for the invitation to share in the excitement of opening day; and the opportunity to see our certificated and classified members doing what they do best, serving our students.
I am here today because school site administrators especially need your help.
The first day of school provided an amazing opportunity to call Unit J’s Unsung Heroes to the front of the line!
AALA proudly represents hundreds of classified middle managers in over 100 classifications. And did you know Unit J members have their own Collective Bargaining Agreement and AALA can contend that certain classifications should be accreted to the unit? Article I, Section 2.0 states “…it may submit a written request for determination of the classification to the Office of Labor Relations between November 1 and December 31 of each year. Decisions will be provided by March 1 of the following year.”
President Paiz ended last week visiting the North Hollywood Community of Schools in Local District Northeast. The universal theme and focus were effective planning and preparations for safe in-person instruction for students and staff effective August 16, 2021.
Accolades go to Kathie Galan-Jaramillo, Principal of Fair Avenue Elementary School. Ms. Galan-Jaramillo was in full-swing leveraging key school players and the use of the distributive leadership model. This all hands on deck approach while creating a base-line of clear expectations and protocols promises a
The letter below points to the lack of coherence, direction, and wrong drivers from the top. It is important to highlight front-line managers are not policy makers. Their primary duty is to implement the General Superintendent’s vision, mission, values, beliefs, and assumptions.
This genuinely begs the question when it comes to the Community of Schools model. Think about how many superintendents have had their hand in shaping this model as it passes hands yet again. How has